Easy Gospel Songs


Easy Gospel Songs by Geoff Hohwald is a downloadable course that will teach you how to play beginner arrangements of eight different gospel favorites. Each of the arrangements was written with a clear and recognizable melody that could be used in a sing along setting. Geoff will start by teaching you how to play each song with step by step instruction. You will then have the opportunity to practice the songs along with a rhythm track at several speeds to work on your timing. The included songs are Precious Memories, Do Lord, Crying Holy, Uncloudy Day, What a Friend We Have in Jesus, Amazing Grace, I Am A Pilgrim, and Swing Low Sweet Chariot. This course features 166 minutes of video instruction, audio jam tracks, and tab for each song.

You will receive a .zip file with a Quicktime video, MP3 jam tracks, and PDFs of the tablature.

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