Simple Roll Exercises

This free video lesson by Geoff Hohwald is designed to enable the beginner to learn a few simple rolls and to practice these at gradually increasing speeds. It is recommended that you watch the lesson on correct right hand technique to make sure that your technique is correct as you speed up. We will be playing the forward roll, the forward and backward roll and the alternating thumb pattern. The tablature for each of these rolls can be found below.

Here is the first roll we’ll try. It’s called a forward roll


Now let’s try a forward and backward roll


And finally let’s try an alternating thumb pattern


You should practice these rolls until they become second nature to you.

Take the Next Step

The Beginning Banjo Warm-Up Series will help the student train the right hand to perform with the speed and accuracy that is essential to playing the 5 string banjo. The right hand is the driving force behind the three finger banjo style that is so popular today. Spending time to develop this technique now will pay big dividends in the future.  During the video lessons, Geoff Hohwald will guide you through playing forward rolls at gradually increasing speeds. This teaching method has helped numerous beginner students to improve their right hand strength, speed, and accuracy. This course was designed to get the absolute beginner ready for the Banjo Primer Deluxe.

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